Middle East Technical University


Middle East Technical University is a public technical university located in Ankara, Turkey. The university emphasizes research and education in engineering and natural sciences, offering about 41 undergraduate programs within 5 faculties, 105 masters, and 70 doctorate programs within 5 graduate schools.

Role in the project:

METU’s role encompasses leading the WP2 and the development of a Machine-Learning Guided Decision Support System for Building Intervention based on an Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) within this work package (T2.6). This algorithm optimizes recommendations for energy-positive building technologies, using machine learning models trained with simulation data to predict building performance accurately. METU is also responsible for Task 4.3 which focuses on the development of advanced Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies for energy-efficient building system operation and contributes to developing precise short-term energy demand prediction models using innovative neural network techniques.

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